Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Dinas Perumahan Rakyat dan Kawasan Pemukiman (PRKP) Kabupaten Karawang
Compensation, Service Quality, Employee PerformanceAbstract
This research at the Public Housing and Settlement Area Service (PRKP) Karawang Regency,
Identification of research problems Compensation is not in accordance with performance. (X1), service
quality has not met expectations. (X2), Inadequate facilities and infrastructure. (X2), Have not reached
standardization of performance. (Y) and Less Effective Employee Performance. (Y) so the problem is
whether there is an effect of salary levels and employee performance on service quality at the Public
Housing and Settlement Area Service (PRKP) Karawang Regency, then the benefits for postgraduate
students can be used as a reference for further research. Employee Salaries and Performance on Service
Quality at the Public Housing and Settlement Area Office (PRKP) of Karawang Regency. Quantitative
research methods by observation and distributing online questionnaires to respondents, Data Analysis by
Collecting data on the first Primary and secondary model analysis, Data reduction, Data presentation,
Drawing conclusions. combined the two indicators in accordance with the hypothesis. In this test, it can be
seen that Compensation (XI) and Service Quality (X2) have a significant effect on Employee Performance.
Based on the conclusions and consequences described, the author intends to improve the compensation
variable X1 and Service Quality Variable (X2) if you want to increase employee performance variable (Y).
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